9 Top Tips for Beginner Triathletes by Triathlete and Kinetica Ambassador Orla Walsh

Orla Walsh is an international Irish triathlete and #TeamKinetica ambassador. Are you interested in doing a triathlon but don’t know where to start? Orla has shared her top tips for beginner triathletes with us – check them out!


Bite the bullet

Enter a race, motivate yourself, and work towards your goal. Don’t jump into an Ironman straight away, start with a sprint and gradually work towards your target.


Join a club

Surround yourself with people who have experience in the sport. Try cycling with a group of people and try to feel comfortable on a bike.


Build up your confidence

If you aren’t comfortable in the water, for example, increase your confidence slowly through practice. Build up on your swimming skills by increasing the distance over time. This can also be applied to running and cycling.


Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Include all three disciplines in this approach with a focus on developing and strengthening your weaknesses.  


Plan your time

This is key. Make the time to train by including it in your daily schedule – and stick with it!



Manage yourself before an event; be consistent, make a checklist, and be prepared for all your events with thorough planning. Go to triathlons relaxed and confident. The more time you invest in preparation, the less stress you’ll experience on the day.


Keep things fresh

Regarding training, try to take new routes, do different sessions. Mix it up! It will keep things exciting.



The equipment required for a triathlon can be intimidating but don’t worry about investing in expensive kit immediately and seek advice from others in the sport. Consistent training is your most valuable asset as an athlete.  


Ensure you fuel yourself correctly

Three sports can be very demanding on your body. To train consistently while avoiding injury or illness, it is important to fuel adequately before, during, and after training.