Why Women Need More Protein in their Diet
Protein powders aren't just for athletes and body builders; in fact, it not only nurtures lean muscle but can improve bone health and immunity as well. Did you know that the average woman needs approximately 1.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight a day? * Protein has long been associated with ‘bulking up’ and ‘pre-workout routines’, but it isn’t just important for athletes and bodybuilders. Studies show it is an essential part of our daily diet and, according to our very own Seán Prunty, Business Development Manager on Team Kinetica, it is needed for increasing and preserving lean muscle, combating age-associated muscle loss, improving bone health and even maintaining or improving immunity. *
Whey Protein Benefits
Muscle Loss
The body cannot make these essential amino acids found in whey protein, so we need to get them from our diet. Meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy and beans are good sources of protein and incorporating these foods into your regular meals can make a huge difference.
However, one of the best ways to ensure a healthy protein intake is by adding safe supplements to your daily diet. For example, if you are a vegetarian and don’t consume meat, eating a protein-rich diet can be difficult. Simply adding a scoop of safe and tested whey protein powder, such as Kinetica Whey protein, to your morning smoothie or pancake mix can contribute to your overall protein intake for the day.
An added bonus is that Kinetica's protein powders are highly satiating, so they help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, curbing any late-night cravings.