5 Benefits of Whey Protein for Women

benefits of whey for women


Protein has long been associated with ‘bulking up’ and ‘pre-workout routines’, but it isn’t just important for elite athletes and bodybuilders. In fact, whey protein not only nurtures lean muscle, but it can also improve bone health and immunity as well.

Did you know that the average woman needs approximately 1.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight a day?* This blog post will look at 5 benefits of adding more protein into women’s’ diets:


  1. Lean Muscle Mass
  2. Combating Age Related Muscle Loss
  3. Improve Bone Health
  4. Immune System Support
  5. Strong & Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails


 “Studies show that protein is an essential part of our daily diet and it is needed for increasing and preserving lean muscle, combating age-associated muscle loss, improving bone health and even maintaining or improving immunity” - Seán Prunty, Team Kinetica’s Partnership Manager.

About Whey Protein

Milk contains two main proteins: whey and casein. Both proteins are a by-product of cheese production, but whey is significantly better for your health.

There are 20 amino acids, of which nine are essential, that the body uses to make proteins, which are the building blocks of every cell, tissue, and organ. Whey contains more branched-chain amino acids, essential amino acids that help reduce exercise fatigue, improve endurance, increase lean muscle mass, reduce muscle damage, and fortify the immune system.

The body cannot make these essential amino acids found in whey protein, so we need to get them from our diet. Meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy and beans are good sources of protein and incorporating these foods into your regular meals can make a huge difference. However, one of the best ways to ensure a healthy protein intake is by adding safe supplements to your daily diet. Kinetica Whey protein can be added to your favourite morning smoothie or milkshake, it also works great in baking recipes such as pancakes and flapjacks.


1. Lean Muscle Mass

Many women tend to avoid using protein because they believe it will make them ‘bulk up’. This is typically due to the tradition of protein supplements being marketed to men as a muscle enhancer. In fact, multiple scientific studies have discovered that women who regularly consume higher-protein diets are more likely to lose unwanted body fat, while also preserving lean muscle mass (5). An added bonus is that Kinetica Whey protein and Lean Active range is highly satiating, so it helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer, which can lead to reducing unnecessary snacking habits.

2. Combating Age Related Muscle Loss

As we get older our body composition changes and our muscle-to-fat ratio leans toward an unhealthier balance. Once we reach our mid-forties, what was once muscle slowly starts to disappear, and fat starts to accumulate. In fact, according to research, muscle mass decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60 – this can be described as sarcopenia (3). Increased lean muscle mass helps to burn more calories throughout the day. In some cases, long-term protein usage has even been shown to increase muscle mass and may be a modifiable risk factor to reduce the risk of sarcopenia (6).

3. Improve Bone Health

Whey protein can also play a role in improving bone health, given that protein makes up roughly 50% of the volume of bone and about one-third of its mass (1). Women in particular can be more susceptible to conditions that impact bone health such as osteoporosis (which weakens bones and makes them more fragile). As women age bone density can decrease, especially in the years after menopause (4). In addition to calcium in the presence of sufficient Vitamin D, dietary protein is a key nutrient for bone health across the life span and therefore has a function in the prevention of osteoporosis (1).  

4. Immune System Support

Ensuring adequate protein intake, along with a well-balanced diet can maintain and improve immunity (2). Antibodies and immune system cells depend on protein to function properly. Whey protein products in particular are shown to participate in host immunity by increasing production of glutathione (7). Whey can enhance immunity because it contains bioactive components that offer protection against infections and viruses (7). It is also recommended to take vitamin D3 daily from autumn to spring to maintain sufficiency (2).  

5. Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails 

Our bodies require protein to produce healthy hair, skin, and nails. Protein, such as collagen, plays a structural role for our skin & bone structure, while keratin is important for healthy hair and nails. In fact, hair follicles are mostly composed of proteins. Studies have found that supplements including whey protein can significantly improve the health of hair, skin, and nails (8).

Learn More: Clear Whey Isolate - Low in Lactose, Low in Sugar, 24g of Whey Protein.


Why should I use Kinetica Whey? 

Kinetica Whey protein and Lean Active is derived from grass-fed cows, making it a high-quality, naturally sourced protein. It is a ‘complete’ protein, meaning you are getting all nine essential amino acids at once, including branched-chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These 9 essential amino acids are vital as they support tissue repair, protein synthesis and nutrient absorption.

Kinetica Whey protein delivers 22 to 23 grams of protein per 30 gram-serving, so you’ll have met almost half your protein requirements for the day with just that one scoop.

Not sure which Whey to go? You have to try the latest addition to the range, Kinetica Clear Whey. It’s a triple threat; each serve packs a punch of 24g of whey protein isolate per scoop that’s low in lactose AND total sugar. 

For women in particular, protein can have major health benefits and it is important that we are consuming a healthy dosage daily, from diet or supplements, to keep our bodies healthy and our muscles toned.

Our Lean Active is a different offering and more suitable for those looking to manage their calorie intake but still looking for a much-needed protein hit! It delivers 15.8g protein and 93 calories per scoop while being a source of fibre to help with that desire to feel fuller for longer AND it includes green tea extract for added wellness!

  • If you participate in sports your protein intake would be higher depending on the demands of your sport.


For more sports nutrition information, advice and buying guides, explore the Kinetica Sports blog

What is Whey Protein and Why We Need It | Why Women Need More Protein in Their Diet | What is Grass Fed Whey and Why is it Important?

Seán Prunty

Written by
Seán Prunty

Seán is the Partnership Manager with Kinetica Sports. He has been working with Kinetica Sports since 2011 and is a qualified Performance Nutritionist. Seán has a keen interest in helping individuals with their health and nutrition. He likes to participate in various sports such as adventure racing, mountain running and cycling. He graduated with a Distinction in Performance Nutrition from the IOPN.


Wallace, T. (2019), ‘Optimizing Dietary Protein for Lifelong Bone Health A Paradox Unraveled’, Nutrition Today, vol. 54, issue. 3, pp. 107-115

Walsh, N. (2018) ‘Recommendations to maintain immune health in athletes’, European Journal of Sport Science, vol.18 issue. 6, pp. 820-831

Volpi, E., Nazemi, R., & Fujita, S. (2004) ‘Muscle tissue changes with aging’. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 405-410.

Royal College of Nursing (2021) ‘Osteoporosis’, Women’s Health. Available at: https://www.rcn.org.uk/clinical-topics/womens-health/osteoporosis 

Leidy, H. J., Carnell, N. S., Mattes, R. D., & Campbell, W. W. (2007). ‘Higher Protein Intake Preserves Lean Mass and Satiety with Weight Loss in Pre-obese and Obese Women’. Obesity, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 421–429.

Houston, D. K., et al. (2008). ‘Dietary protein intake is associated with lean mass change in older, community-dwelling adults: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study’. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 87 issue 1, pp. 150–155.

Solak, B.B. & Akin, N. (2012) ‘Health Benefits of Whey Protein: A Review’. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 129-137.

Yagoda, M.R. & Gans, E.H. (2014) ‘A Nutritional Supplement Formulated with Peptides, Lipids, Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid Optimizes Key Aspects of Physical Appearance in Nails, Hair and Skin’. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences.

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